Sunday, September 18, 2011

It's a Boy!!!

The Labor
We had a surprise visit from two of my sisters from Dallas for the weekend, so I was determined to naturally induce labor. We started the day at mass at St. Joseph’s and afterwards I spent most of the day on my feet and praying. Eli was a good sport and humored me in all of my raspberry tea-spicy food-requests. Contractions began at 5pm, as per usual for the past 15 weeks, but this time I felt like I could put mind over matter and make these contractions work. So we put the kids to bed at my parents house and conned my sisters and dad into power walking down to star bucks. By the time we got home it was 10 pm and contractions had been 5 minutes apart for an hour. It was go time!

The Delivery
As I waited in the triage 3cm dilated for an hour; Eli was becoming doubtful and I was growing anxious. Then I had a miraculous 4.5cm measurement and a move to LDR at midnight. 3am epidural was a success (yay! Third time’s the charm!) At 7am we called the doctor with news that I was dilated to 8cm. Then we waited for what felt like years until about noon for the doctor to come break my water since the baby still wasn’t turned. The doctor left and while we waited for him to return, I started “practice” pushing, thinking I would have to work hard to turn the baby for delivery. My nurse was awesome, and on about my 5th push, the baby turned and she had to hold the baby inside me while screaming on her phone to get the doctor STAT!

The Baby
Maximilian Joseph was born on September 4th at 1:33 pm, weighing 9 lb2oz and 21” long. Resembling his big brother, Max has dark hair, fair skin, and the most adorable little dimple in his chin. He was named after two of our favorite saints. Eli and I walked through the concentration camp at Auschwitz in 2003 and remember the cell in which St. Maximilian Kolbe was martyred, sacrificing his life for a father and husband. Truly a modern day saint to emulate. Read about his story here! St. Joseph is a strong father figure as Christ's foster father, and much like both of our fathers in action and love. We have a deep devotion to Joseph and we pray to him daily for guidance and example.

The Family
Nothing fills your heart more than the beautiful love between brothers and sister. Our first week home was fantastic--I felt great, Max was a natural at breastfeeding, and Daddy was home to take the kids to Kiddie Park and the Children’s Museum. Wonderful friends kept meals on the table. We couldn’t have felt more thankful for the easy transition to a family of five. Things were so great that went to MOPS and my bible study, and had** a girls night out. Eli went back to work and squeezed in an out of town trip and a missions game. Commence week 2. I started having extreme stomach cramps. I ruled out the flu when the cramping got so bad after the 2nd day that I could barely walk or sit up. Eli’s mom was providentially visiting the next day and could babysit the kids while I saw my doctor. Turns out I most likely have a hernia of the abdomen and the bowels were squeezed between the muscle, and thus I have an appt with the surgeon next week. Then last night we were hit by a stomach bug. Thank goodness it’s the weekend and we can all snuggle on the couch together and watch UP! :)


annie said...

keep up the blog! i love reading it :) especially the pictures--max is just darling. i'm so sorry to hear about the hernia though, i'll keep you in prayers of course. give those munchkins some love for me!

Dwija {House Unseen} said...

Yay! Congratulations on a big, healthy baby boy. So happy for you guys. But super sorry about the surgery situation. UGH!

Rebecca said...

What a chunker!! I love all the pics. The kids look absolutely elated. I wish I could bring you dinner and come visit :( but it looks like you are surrounded by lots of help and love. Prayers that all goes well with surgery. Call me soon when you have a few mins! :)

Kate said...

annie! we are all dying in jealousy that you're in rome...have an amazing time in greece this weekend!!!!

thanks dwija and rebecca:) did your kids' birth weights increase each time? i'm a little nervous that child number 8 will weigh 17 lbs!