Thursday, April 3, 2008

New Tricks

It's the little milestones in life that really make you Emily learning how to roll over! Eli and I have put her through so much misery laying on her tummy every day--she would scream her little lungs out in protest every time. But one day she just relalized that she didnt mind tummy time, and stayed fairly content laying down for 5 minutes. The next thing we knew she rolled over (even over her hurt arm!).

She's also trying out her new sleep schedule after learning how to regulate her sleeping a little better. This was not a pleasent experience for her either (after spring break she fell apart; too much partying!) But now she's happy as ever and is taking 2 naps a day! And sleeping through the night! YAY!!!

Emily has shown an interest in grabbing new toys and bringing them to her mouth more than ever. She can't lift everything, but little rings are just the right size. We figured that she's ready to try some baby cereal since she was eyeing a piece of bread at dinner. She's still getting used to the cereal, but we're in no hurry!
We love visitors!!

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